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Also, If you want to become an MCP checkout the latest promotion from Microsoft Learning on http://borntolearn.mslearn.net/goodstuff/p/mcp.aspx . There is free exam vouchers offer for Azure Exams and Office 365 Exams. The offer is valid until 31.12.2014 up to 10000 vouchers distributed worldwide.
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For the best MCTs there are special prizes like Surface Pro 3 and XBOX One !
Also, If you want to become an MCP checkout the latest promotion from Microsoft Learning on http://borntolearn.mslearn.net/goodstuff/p/mcp.aspx . There is free exam vouchers offer for Azure Exams and Office 365 Exams. The offer is valid until 31.12.2014 up to 10000 vouchers distributed worldwide.
Don't miss the offers !